Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Two Minute Tasks

My life is made up of two minute tasks that I never do.
~Alicia Hemphill

I think that I have become a master of time-suckage. Even now I am writing my blog at work, after I haven't really been here since last Thursday, eating peanut butter right out of the jar at my desk. Some (me) would call this multi-tasking...

I will do just about anything to avoid being home for more than an hour or two, other than to sleep. For example, the litter box was cleaned the other day for the first time in a while. You would think that with two adult women living in this apartment, the box would be less stinky. No... it's not. The living room carpet desperately needs vacuuming. I cleaned the carpets about 2 weeks ago, and they already need another cleaning. I need to clean my room. I have two piles of clothes on the floor... the dirty pile (which ironically lays right in front of an empty laundry basket) and the clean pile (which is huge and I have to rifle through every morning to find clothes to wear to work). Yes, I own a dresser. No, the clothes have not found their way into the dresser since my mom came to visit before Christmas.

Last night I sat there and just looked at all of the crap on the carpet... granted, I wasn't feeling well, but I could have run the vacuum cleaner to get the stuff up. I did manage to make some decent hummus last night that I enjoyed for lunch today. That is the most productive thing that I have done all weekend.

I hope you never know
I don't want you to be like me
I want you to be clean

I need to get "the lazy" out of me. I have been trying to do this for a while now, and just don't have the motivation. Pathetic, huh??

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