Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Phone Fasting or Complicating Simplicity

I felt a little out of control for a while. So for some reason I thought that if I stopped using my phone that I would feel a little better. Not the case. I have actually found not using the phone to be extremely inconvenient. This annoys me. I also believe that I may have an unhealthy relationship going on with my phone. In all of the things that I have to get rid of in the next year: furniture, pets, clothes, SHOES... the thing that gets me is that I may have to get rid of my phone. I also believe that I have to buy a laptop to take with me so that I can stay in touch with friends and family while I am away.

Since we live in a "right now" society. Let's evaluate how technology has us all by the balls (or boobs):

1) If we can't email someone, we call them... if they don't answer, we text them. If they don't answer the text, we call or text them again until they answer... in the mean time we could have solved the problem about 15 minutes ago.

2) The internet is an amazing thing. I have self-diagnosed myself so many times thanks to that I can't even believe that my doctor believes anything that I say. Once, I self-diagnosed that I had adult-onset ADD. So, I got an MRI... which I didn't know that they did for that. It turns out that I am just incredibly impatient.

3) when was the last time you actually cracked open a dictionary??

4) The self-check out line. Personally, I think that this may possibly be the greatest invention of the 21st century. HA, grumpy cashiers, I can avoid you altogether now!!

5) Nobody has to go to the movies anymore. They can order every movie on the planet from the comfort of home. Let's just stay home for the rest of our lives and live in the giant butt implant that we have created in our couches.

6) I don't remember the last time I actually paid for gas in cash. Actually, this is a good thing. Another wonderful invention, since the gas station cashiers are pretty grumpy too.

I think that I am going to make a hard core attempt to simplify. I may POSSIBLY cut out texting from my phone plan (thanks to the inspiration of Morgan), and reduce my minutes. Do not hold me to this, as I am completely attached to my phone. I am hoping to save some cash this way and put the balance into my savings account, but I have to muster up the stamina to depend less on the wonderful invention of the cell phone. I am also going to ACTUALLY cancel the cable. I have been talking about doing this for a while, but got severely lazy. Okay, I was watching South Park reruns and enjoying Intervention. What can I say?? I like Intervention.


Elaine said...

I HATE the self-checkout at grocery stores. HATE IT. About the first dozen times I attempted it, it got horribly screwed up. After a final rage meltdown in Harris Teeter, I vowed never to use it again. When I am with Dale, if I attempt to bag our goods while he self-checks-out, the attempt is screwed up. I think the self-checkout is perhaps the worst invention of our time.

Erin Brown said...

Well, sounds like you will have a lot more time for that Hindi once you get rid of cable! I want to learn Italian, so maybe we can have "language nights".