Monday, March 31, 2008

Wind and the Middle of the Night

I would like to thank Mo for pointing out my spelling error.... you would think that since I am going through the trouble of writing this much that I would use the splel chcek.

I have been waking up a lot in the middle of the night to pray. I don't know why, its just become something that happens several times a week. Sometimes it's for a few minutes... other times (like last night), it was over 2 hours. I find so much peace in praying in the middle of the night. My roommate is sleeping and all of the animals have settled in for the night. Its just so quiet. (I also find it frustrating that my mind wants to get up in the night to pray, because once I am awake, I am not able to fall asleep again until I do some praying.)

The only other time that I find this much peace while praying is when the wind is blowing. I have been loving the past few days here in Raleigh. It's been so windy (thanks God!!). So, I will walk my little dog and pray. I love to think that when I talk to God and there is a really strong breeze that He is answering me. I remember in the fall, while walking my dog the wind was so strong, it was practically raining leaves from the trees. We would suddenly be bombarded with leaves and falling acorns. The sound of crunching leaves is so satisfying to me, by far one of my favorite noises. It was so beautiful and powerful that I would just stop and feel the wind on my face, my hair flying everywhere, watching my little dog struggle against the strength of what God was delivering to us.

In searching for an appropriate Bible verse to explain how I felt about this experience, I stumbled upon John 3:8-- "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit."

I like to think that my being willing to pray while walking in the wind, blows my praise and prayers right up to God. Yes, I realize that this is a childish and completely immature to look at our Father. But are we not all children in the eyes of God??


Rue said...

That was such a beautiful blog, I enjoyed reading it. There is nothing like feeling God's presence all around you.

Elaine said...

I've always considered the wind to be God talking to me too!
And to go all nerdy on you: the word for "spirit" and "wind" are the SAME word in both of the languages used to write the Bible. So it's actually a very profound and true statement to connect the Holy Spirit and the wind.

Alicia said...

I've always thought of the wind as God cuddling me. Growing up in FLA, the breezes were usually gentle and the only thing that broke through the heat...even momentarily. Even the storms were either God rough-housing or scaring away something yukky. I still love storms. And, my friend, here's a verse for you.
Matthew 18:3 - And Jeaua said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."