Wednesday, April 2, 2008

God vs. My Dog

I have been at my current job for about two and a half years now. I noticed something on my computer the other day, that I have bypassed over and over again. My company attempted to put little sayings about love on our "sign-in" page (which I found extremely strange to begin with). One of them says, "A dog is the only thing on Earth that loves you more than he loves himself."

I love my dog. I know that when she poops on the floor and I yell at her for it, she will still love me when she is done cowering under the bed. I know that when she won't walk in the rain because she doesn't want to get her feet wet, she will love me after I make her do it. I know that she loves me when she finds access to the garbage and shreds every piece of paper into miniscule pieces that I am still finding a week later, even when I become completely irrate at her. My dog loves me a lot. She puts up with me as much as I put up with her.

I am going somewhere with this... I promise.

Going back to my talk with Michelle this past weekend, she told me that of all of the Hindu Gods and Goddesses none of them had ever sacrificed themselves for us.... for humanity. Then we have Jesus.

Bear with me, as I am not educated in the Bible and have a good friend who is making every attempt to get me to understand the relationship between Jesus, God, and me. I am finding myself in awe that God sacrificed His son for us. I would be in awe of anyone sacrificing their son for anything. I get that this is God giving us His love... and that it's greater than the love that my dog has for me.

I just had to throw in a little something about love.

Love is gentle as a rose
And love can conquer any war
Its time to take a stand
Brothers and sisters join hands

We got to let love rule
Let love rule
We got to let love rule
Let love rule

Love transcends all space and time
And love can make a little child smile
Oh cant you see
This wont go wrong
But we got to be strong
We cant do it alone

We got to let love rule
Let love rule
We got to let love rule
Let love rule
~Lenny Kravitz

1 comment:

Kate said...

Hey Kerry,

I like this post a lot. There are a lot of times when I'm amazed at the love I find in the world, from friends or family or animals. Then I realize that all of that love is another way God shows me that He loves me, and I'm even more astounded.

I hope you're doing well. See you this weekend. :)

OH! And my blog is for future reference.