~Alfred the Butler (The Dark Knight)
I saw The Dark Knight the other evening with some friends. Great movie. This line really made me think. Every time some random quote makes me think and I get stuck on it, I absolutely have to write it down. I have gotten so that I can relate almost anything to the suffering in the world. I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
For example, I am quitting my part-time job because the people that I work with are c

The world is suffering. And while I don't expect every single person to be an advocate for change. I do expect respect and support from those who don't have the desire to make the changes themselves. I have family members who think this way also. It's very annoying and just plain ignorant.
Personally, I have watched the world burn long enough.
You will laugh at destruction and famine, and need not fear the beasts of the earth. ~Job 5:22
I hear you sister! I can't tell you how many times people have rained on my parade, told me I need to go slow, be aware of limits, etc. It drives me NUTS! Because after all, we didn't start the fire, no we didn't light it but we'll try to fight it...
Thanks for the 80's song reference!! You rock.
Miss Kerry, does this means you won't have treats for us anymore? - Zrbrt and Lilo
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