Sunday, June 1, 2008

Expectation vs. Anticipation

expectation (noun)
1. belief about (or mental picture of) the future
2. anticipating with confidence of fulfillment
3. the feeling that something is about to happen

anticipation (noun)
1. an expectation
2. something expected (as on the basis of a norm)
3. the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future)
4. anticipating with confidence of fulfillment

This week at church, we talked about the intervention of God. I have thought of God's intervention a lot, in different areas of my life, and at different stages of my life. I first thought of God intervening as a child who grew up in an abusive home. I wondered why He let us live in such conditions. I wondered why the prayers of children were going unanswered. As I got older, and started to question God's presence I began to look for intervention everywhere. I was constantly questioning how people were able to see God in everything, see Him wherever they were. I was perplexed by this, but also admired those who were able to have this kind of relationship with God.

During the message, Ed spoke about the stereotypical view that "If God is all loving, He will intervene." This brought around the expectation that people have of God. Something that I had never thought of before. Expectation vs. Anticipation.

In the morning, O LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.~Psalm 5:3

As an emerging follower of Christ (thanks LankEB), and as a person who has done some growing up in general, I have begun to feel/know that expectation are unrealistic in any situation. I have learned that when expectations are amidst, disappointment is sure to follow.

I think that we, as a society of people who are used to getting whatever we want, expect things not only from the world at large, but from God. This is pretty pompous of us, don't you think?? I recently read that God wants his followers to intervene on His behalf. When intervention is not achieved, the Enemy is digging in it's heals. The problem with our world at large, is that we are always waiting for someone else to take action, rather than being the first to jump up and say, "hey, that's not right!!" or "what can I do to stop this?"

I am learning to live in anticipation of others, rather than having expectations of them. I am learning to anticipate what God wants from me.

Side note: I completed a goal last night by joining the gym. So, hopefully after I go to workout tonight I won't completely collapse. OY!!

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