Monday, June 23, 2008

Nervous Nellie's New Plan

My roommate dropped the news on me yesterday that she had found greener pastures, in terms of a living situation. This is so not cool. I was counting on the money that I would be saving by having her live with me to put away toward my trip. This is especially annoying because I signed an additional year's lease on the contingency that she would stay with me. Otherwise, I would have found a cheaper place to live.

I feel like I have taken one step forward, and two steps back.

On the other hand... this may be an opportunity to leave six months earlier than I had originally planned. However, by not being able to save money, this will be difficult. My original plan was to save between $1,000 and $1,500, just to have on-hand to leave the country with. As my living expenses will come from donations given in my name to OasisUK, I would have this money to buy my plane tickets with, and hopefully do some traveling using the CouchSurfing website.

So... do I set a new goal of leaving in April? Or, do I suck it up and try to make it through the summer and leave in September as originally planned? Money is an issue. I am completely freaking out over the money thing. If I decide that I want to leave for the April session in London, I have to have my application and money to Oasis by December of this year. Luckily, I found out that the money that it costs me to join the program pays for flights, visas, work travel, accommodations, food, insurance, work resources, retreat/holiday, and administration costs. However, this will cost approximately $11,570.00 (American). This is enough to make me vomit.
I was worried about raising $1,500... so, now I have to worry about raising $11,000.
No pressure.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

This sermon series about hitting a wall is really just perfect for you, isn't it?
Here's a thought: this area of money is a big struggle. Which means it has the most potential for growth. Start looking up Bible verses on money and see what you find out. There are over 2000 verses about money, so if you can't find any tell me and I'll get you started. I know this is big and scary, but I'm so proud of you for pursuing this goal despite the obstacles. And I can't wait to see how God transforms your concerns about money.