Friday, June 27, 2008

Social Justice Missionary

Lately, I have been feeling like an upside down turtle. I can see the whole world from where I am laying, but it's all distorted. I have to struggle to get everything right-side-up again. I feel like I am starting to get a grasp on things again. This is a good thing.

I have been trying to come up with some kind of title for the work that I am doing. Missionary doesn't seem right, as I don't plan on doing any kind of VBS or solely spiritual work while in India. Social Justice Activist is more the truth, but I am going over there for faith reasons also. LankEB came up with "Social Justice Missionary". I love this. It says exactly what I am planning on doing while overseas. In a sense, I still consider myself to be a missionary in that I believe that I am on a mission from God (all hail the Blues Brothers reference). It's true. God has lead me on this path for months, maybe even years. I am so proud of the work that I am going to be doing.

I have started the application process for OasisUK, and LankEB and I have come up with some fundraising ideas. This really took a load off of my mind. I am seemingly coming out of the funk that I had put myself into over the money thing. I am feeling good right now about this. I have been praying a lot, asking God for guidance with the money thing. I am hoping to eventually get the support of Evergreen, not solely monetarily... but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually as well.

Cool things that happened yesterday. When walking Chloe, at around 6:15 or so, we found a box-turtle in the grass in front of our building. I love turtles. I am convinced that if I am ever reincarnated that I will be a turtle in my next life. Our company had the "company picnic" yesterday. Basically, that involves free lunch, during your assigned lunch hour. No extra time. But it was also casual day, so I got to wear shorts to work. Doesn't sound like much, but it's the little things that make me happy. When I got home from work last night, I had a Facebook message from my friend John. John and I were good friends growing up in Connecticut. I moved to Raleigh in '96. In the spring of 2000 (I believe, or maybe it was '99, I'm pretty sure it was 2000), John was in a terrible car accident. He was in a coma for months. I drove up north to visit him in the hospital. The last time I saw John, was when he was in the coma, and the last time I talked to John was three months after he came out of his coma. Apparently, John has no recollection of this happening at all. I have spent the past several months trying to figure out a way to get in touch with him. Then he found me. I was so excited. I hope to have some kind of reunion with him before I leave the country next year.

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