Wednesday, June 4, 2008

OasisUK... I'm On My Way

I heard back from the folks at OasisUK this morning. They were great enough to answer the 8 or 10 questions that I sent to them. I have good news and bad news. Actually, it's all good news, but some of it is going to stress me out... which is bad.

Oasis offers two training sessions per year in London. One in March and one in September. So, I am aiming for September 2009. This is super exciting. NOW I have a time period to aim for. YAY!!! Also, I am going to definitely aim for India. I am hoping that after a year in India, I can get some direction for Cambodia. But, that is a while down the road and I am not going to stress myself out over this.

Bad news... The placement is totally self-funded and we look to approximating costs of anywhere between £4000.00-£6000.00 (roughly $7,000-$11,000 U.S. Dollars) for 6 month placement, but of course that is dependent on the country you go to and the project in which you would work as well as the length of time you would be out there. (from the OasisUK chick)

It looks like living cheap(er) and fund raising is in my future. I have a year. No pressure (she says as she pulls out clumps of hair in frustration and fear). Who wants to go for a beer?? Who wants to buy me a beer??

If you happen to be praying, please put in a plug for me. This means that I have to actually get some work done toward my goal of leaving next year. So, this year I want to do some traveling... which I already have a small amount of planned with Erin. I want to visit family and friends. I would like to go camping. I want to do something really really fun and spend as much time as possible with friends, family, and people that I adore. Any ideas??

Side note: I need to actually go to the gym that I signed up to go to. Someone be sure to ask me if I actually went this week. Thanks.

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