Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Creating A Diabolical Plan

Of what use is money in the hand of a fool, since he has no desire to get wisdom? ~Proverbs 17:16

I am trying to come up with some kind of diabolical plan to raise this enormous amount of money in a very short period of time. This is really scary to me. As I have already decided that staying is not an option (not to say that I won't return to Raleigh someday), this trip to India is something that I really have to do.

As it stands right now, money is consuming my entire world. I think about it when I get up in the morning, and it's the last thing that I think about when I go to bed at night. I pray for it to appear from nowhere (which I know is a bad thing, sorry God). I am just so worried that this will be one more thing that I fail at. I just want to leave the country for one year. After that year is over, I will decide my next move. Ideally, I would have the opportunity, and funding, to do another year (in my head, I have a two year plan). I would love the opportunity to work on the Trafficing project. But, I am having difficulty communicating this desire to those at Oasis. For now, I will be happy to assist on whatever project they need help with, in hopes that my second year (if there is one) can be directed toward the project.

No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. ~Matthew 6:24

I am trying to figure out the maximum amount of cash to be put into some kind of savings, and still be able to have the Summer of Kerry. I really need to enjoy myself some. Working has become my entire life this year, and I hate it. I think that I can buy groceries and put gas in my car on the amount of money I make from my part-time job. It will be tight, as I don't make that much from this job, but I think that I can make it work. This will be my experiment for July. This will be hard, as Erin and I are going to Tennessee/Asheville at the end of July.

I also, supposedly, have a raise coming up from my full-time job. We don't know how much yet, but hopefully it will be significant enough to help with my savings plan. I have been really blessed to have friends who are so supportive in this mission. My parents are getting behind me, although my mom has finally voiced her concerns about my going to India alone to work on the Trafficing project. This is another blog topic altogether.

Once I have been accepted into the Oasis program (yeah, they have to accept you), I will receive information regarding fund-raising ideas and instruction. This is frustrating to me, as I really feel that I want to do this now. I feel like I need a giant head start, as raising money for myself is not one of my strong areas. I am not so great at chatting myself up to others.

In the meantime, I am interviewing new roommates this week. So far, I have had three responses to my add on Craig's List. This is a good thing, as moving to a smaller apartment is out of the question. I still wouldn't be able to put away the amount of money that I'm thinking of, and still have some kind of a life. It's really important to me that I enjoy the next year. I want to be with friends, and see my nieces grow. I want to go to the beach and go hiking and hear some really great live music. I may even want to date (I am not sure about this one yet, as I am afraid of creating a distraction from my plan). So, yeah. Any suggestions??

I have also decided that when the new roommate moves in, that I am going to start getting rid of more stuff. The entire closet in the extra bedroom is full of stuff that I haven't seen or used in at least a year. I think that I am going to send at least 90% of it to Ukraine. I am going to have to bribe some help with the purging again with dark chocolate and wine. (Alicia, there will be some kind of liquor for you, sister!!) I am really excited about the prospect of getting rid of stuff. I have decided that I have too much "stuff". It's all crap that I don't need, and since I haven't seen it in a year, I must not want it all that badly.

1 comment:

Elaine said...

A very dear friend said to me yesterday that we all want to succeed, and there is no such thing. All there is is to do what we know to do as long as we can do it. This was not meant to be discouraging, and it actually made me feel better.
Because you have access to power that you are not using. You are trying to succeed at raising money on your own. But instead, you could just do what there is to do and let God succeed at raising the money.
God promises that we don't have to provide for ourselves: God will provide for us. Obviously this doesn't mean we sit passively on our butts and wonder why our bank accounts aren't magically filling with money. We do what we know to do and God provides. Alicia could probably do a better job of explaining this...