Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thanks Again, Mom

Today I called my mom. Sometimes I wish that I would rethink doing this before hand. When I call my mother, one of two things happens. 1.) She is ecstatic to hear from me because she hasn't talked to me in a few days. She wants to catch up on what is new and different (these are usually pretty short conversations that last for my 8 minute stint on the beltline in the morning). 2.) She finds some way to knock me off of whatever cloud I seem to be floating around on. Today, I received the later. Don't get me wrong. My mom is a great lady. She loves her family. She has a good heart. But, she has this way of trying to make me feel like a complete failure, even though I know that it's not her initial intent.

So, today I called her to ask her about storage of some things for next year. We talked about that for a few minutes. We had previously spoken about her buying my car from me. Since Crystal has left for Peru, she offered to let me use her car so that I could get rid of mine and not have to worry about car payments. This sounds great to me. Then I can take the car payment money and put that away every month. This would mean that in one year I will have an extra $3000. Um, hell yeah!!

The conversation went something like this.
Me: "Hey mom, since Crystal is gone, she offered me her car since it will just be sitting in a driveway in Wake Forest."
Her: "How long is she going to be gone for?"
Me: "About a year and a half, as is the plan right now, but we don't really know."
Her: "What if you get into an accident?"
Me: "That is what insurance is for."
Her: "What if you don't end up going?"
Me: "I'm going, so that's not a problem."
Her: "But what if you don't?"
Me: "Why wouldn't I go? I have been planning this for months and will continue to plan it for the next year. Hence, I am going."
Her: "Well, you have a way of not following through on things you do."
Me: "Thanks mom."

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