Monday, May 5, 2008

It Was A Very Good Day

"Take a deep breath. . . Not only are you living in God's light, but now you are breathing it too."
~Howard Hanger, Minister at Jubilee Church, Asheville, NC

Lil'EB and I took this great trip this weekend. We went to Asheville to see Missy Higgins on Saturday night. We were disappointed that she didn't play for as long as the last time we saw her, but it was still worth the trip. We stayed at this great hostel, just 3 blocks from downtown Asheville, and 2 blocks from the venue that we went to see Missy. We met some great people, ate some amazing food, and caught up with friends. I got to see me niece (my best friend's daughter)... it was a good weekend.

Yesterday, Lil' and I went to Jubilee Church in Asheville, about 15 minutes after we ate the best vegan blueberry waffles on the planet. The topic of discussion was "exultancy", which was discussed with the terms of sailing (which I have no idea about). The service started with the song "I Feel Good" by James Brown. Seriously, I can't think 0f a better way to start the day. We then gave thanks to the planet, by facing North, South, East, and West and giving praise. We breathed incense and sang and laughed and danced. We hung with the modern-day hippies that praise in Asheville. I felt so much love and was just so amazed by what we experienced, and definatey want to do it again.

I want to share with you what was written on the back of the bulletin that was handed to us on the way in (I will not quote the whole thing, as it was pretty long).

Sailing... just a dream and a wind to carry me.

When it comes to romance, some things are very clear:
~Moon glow is better than sunshine
~Smell of campfire smoke beats smell of disinfectant
~Cashmere sweaters edge out polyester anything
~Walking through woods tops walking through Wal-Mart
~Romantic comedies take documentaries
~Paris beats Frankfurt
~San Francisco whoops Des Moines
~Candlelight trumps incandescent
~Willy Nelson, yes. John Phillip Sousa, no.
~And sail boats hammer cruise ships

When you're sailing, you're riding on the liquid essence of life. Dancing on the surface of the juicy juju from which we all emerged. Skittering across that H2O-- be it stirring or stagnant, salty or sweet, potable or putrid-- which makes life possible.

And not only are you scooting across one gift of life, you're being carried forward by the wind--by that which not only wafts your sweet butt from here to there, but graciously offers you your next breath, your next heartbeat, the next moment, another chance.

Picture yourself as a sailboat: Made to be lifted by the water and carried by the wind. Made to scurry from port to port. Made to ride the waves and bask in the sun. Made for pleasure and purpose and purposeful pleasure.

Picture yourself as a sailboat: Not made to be tied up or grounded. Not made to be toted around behind some land yacht. Not made to be sitting in a ware house or garage waiting until retirement or until you have the time.

Picture your life and the changes you go through as sailing, using the rudder to try and get where you want to be; but knowing you're always and forever at the mercy of the wind and the water.

Fact#1: The universe is in the change and transformation business 24/7.
Fact#2: You can't run away from the universe.

I am trying to ride the liquid essence of life... and it only took me 34 years to do it.

I was trying, for some reason, to downgrade the awesomeness of my day yesterday. At 9am, Lil' and I were in Asheville (the mountains), on our way to breakfast. Having just slept a great night in this amazing place, while meeting amazing people in an awesome town.

At 9pm, Lil' and I were in Wilmington (the beach), about to jump into the ocean fully clothed. Then we went on a mission to find a Moe's that was open after 9pm on a Sunday night (FYI, there is not a Moe's open after 9pm on a Sunday night in Wilmington).

But the search ends here
Where the night is totally clear
And your heart is fierce
So now you finally know that you control where you go
You can steer
Year get out of the box and step into the clear
'Cos now you finally know you can steer
~Missy Higgins

It was a good day. It was a very, very good day.

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