Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tree Huggin' Hippie

Yesterday, I was called a "tree huggin' hippie" by a co-worker. I'm not sure if I should have been offended by this or not. I have been known to hug a tree or two in my time. I have also hugged dogs, cows, a pot-bellied pig, a homeless man, a goat, a telephone pole, boogery kids, my car, most of my ex-boyfriends, and people that I generally don't like (I figure that the last one is just good Karma). What can I say, I am a hugger!!!

I asked her what made me a "hippie", her answer was that I am a vegan. Since when does not eating meat make you a hippie?? Keep in mind, this is the same friend that yelled at me the other day for turning down chocolate. "But it's dark chocolate... it's vegan." No, its not. Read the ingredients... Ghiradelli dark chocolate has milkfat in it. Therefore, it's not vegan.

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.~Genesis 1:29

When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.~Genesis 3:6

Another friend, here at work, has decided to check out my new eating habits. I lent her a book that Lil' lent to me called "Skinny Bitch". I highly recommend that everyone reads this book. It tells you how your meat is processed, and how the animals that we consume, as Americans, are literally tortured before they are killed. Keep in mind, this is not why I adopted this lifestyle, but this is why I will keep this lifestyle.

I need to remind myself that I adopted a vegan lifestyle as an offer of sacrifice to God. I love to eat (have you seen my butt??). I enjoy cheese. Giving up certain foods was a big deal to me. But I love how I feel. I love how I am beginning to look. I can remove every pair of jeans that I own without unbuttoning them. Everything tastes better, since I have removed the film of flesh-coating that I had layered on my tongue.

When you sacrifice a thank offering to the LORD, sacrifice it in such a way that it will be accepted on your behalf.~Leviticus 22:29

When Michelle (missionary from India) was here, I noticed that she had a nose piercing, a "nose pin". I was told that in India, "nose pins" are a symbol of your dedication to your particular Deity. I love this idea, and believe that I am going to take on this tradition. Explaining this to other Americans will be ridiculous, as piercings generally have some kind of rebellious theme to them. I am 34, I pretty much do whatever I want to do anyway... and thinking that at my age that I have something to rebel against is kind of stupid.

A few months ago I was much more spiritually centered than I am today. I am not sure of what happened. I know that the termination of my relationship had something to do with my actions then. I had more space in my heart for God. What is my excuse now?? I want to try to live a more spiritually centered lifestyle.

I have had a glimmering thought of an experiment. I did this same experiment as a teenager, when I had my spiritual breakdown. I am thinking of exploring different religions, compiling information regarding different aspects of the Bible and of God and maybe writing a book about it. All of this would, of course, be from the perspective of a former athiest/agnostic. I want to do this after I come home from my social justice work overseas.

New goal: have a place in mind for where I would like to travel by the fall, and begin language lessons for this destination.


Elaine said...

It's amazing what people attach to simple decisions. Like vegan = hippie. Or Christian = hypocrite. Or Muslim = terrorist.

Kerry said...

whole bird=live turkey in my freezer

Erin Brown said...

without college degree=bound to fail

Anonymous said...

i saw your blog about being called a tree hugging hippie. so i decided i would tell you some of the things i have been called/told these past few weeks:

-"You will get way too pale and never be able to get color to your skin!'
-"That is stupid to not eat meat, what a waste of your life."
-"You are going to get too skinny!"
-"You need to eat meat otherwise you could die."
-"Vegetarians are stupid and crazy."
-"You are going to stink." ----(I have NO IDEA what not eating meat has to do with that, but this person swore that meat makes you smell 'normal')
-"Why do you care how they kill animals, that is what they are here for?!"
-"You are one of those crazy animal rights people with no brain!"

although this was random, i figured i would let you know that i too am apparently "strange" for choosing to live this way.